Ring Main Unit(RMU)

Complete SF6 Gas Insulated medium voltage Modular Switchgears (RMU), with its increased functional properties and minimized dimensions, are the modular switchgears which are used in today’s advanced M.V secondary distribution systems.
The RMU’s suitable to use in SCADA systems, are operated with Puffer system (directing the SF6 gas directly on the arc) is manufactured by use of international line production methods. Rmu’s offer a unique solution to the user with its remote opening closing property even without the motor provided that the mechanism is installed previously. The Rmu’s which are generally used within a metal or concrete kiosk type substation in the MV secondary distribution systems, thanks to their compact Dimensions and increased safety properties, offer smart solutions to the user.
Advanced Technology Design and Production
contact structure which has high breaking capacity, which moves in vertical axis and uses the puffer system in an optimum
Due to the 3mm thick stainless steel frame manufactured by use of robot laser technology; robust, regular-looking and
impermeability guaranteed structure
Increased Safety Properties
By means of robust structure, no damage to the user even under the most difficult internal arc conditions.
Flexible Design
In order to respond to the user demands in the best way, compact and extensible alternatives.
Highest Quality Material
The stainless steel, resin, vacuum tubes etc equipments used in Rmu’s are supplied from the most reputable manufacturers of the world and integrated in the products.
An easily understandable front panel has been designed so that operation is provided with a simple use ability.
Mechanical and electrical interlocks are supported with warning prints and the possibility of any incorrect manoeuvre in the Switchgears and of access to energised sections have been completely prevented.
It has become impossible to access to the cable Connection Section without turning off the earthing switch.
Also, during a possible internal Arc, dynamic and thermic impacts that may be subject to the operating staff have been completely removed and this situation has been documented by means of the tests carried out by international accredited laboratories. Due to the fuse cases in the fused Transformer Protection Switchgears which offer a very easy replacability, fuse replacement can be performed within seconds.