Dry Type Transformers

They are transformers covered under vacuum with OG coils and epoxy cast resin; AG coils are transformers in which both cast resin and resin-absorbed prepreg. They are produced with the power range of 160 – 25000 kVA up to 36 kV voltage level with the option of natural air-cooled (AN) or fan-cooled (AF). (Power increase up to 50% is provided by using cooling furnace.) Low Facility Cost It can be placed to the places where it is close to load. So, cabling cost is low. It shall not need oil collection pits, Fire-protection and protective barrier, Specially building and design construction Low Operation Cost Idle and load loss rates are low. They do not require very often maintenance. They are environmentally friendly. Since they have no cooling liquid (transformer oil), there shall be no leakage. They do not contain unhealthy gas and chemicals. It provides longer transformer life with the low thermal and dialectic aging compared to the oily type transformers. It does not require maintenance. It may be enough to control with eye as just protective and preventive maintenance. High Reliability Resistance to short circuit and perfect high resistance against electrical impulses and it is more useful with high capacity effect supporting overload. It is highly resistant against humidity and moisture. It can work in the humid and in the places where condensation is high. In case it is deactivated for long time, there is no need to dry it when it is operated again. Compared to oily type transformers, its characteristics of being charged with short-term overload. It has the characteristics of being able to be overloaded with the 50% of the nominal power with the forced cooling fan addition. Standards EFG Cast Resin Dry Type Transformers are produced according to the standards accepted in whole world. According to IEC 60076-11, Climatic C2 ,Environment E2 ,Fire Behaviour F1 HD 464 S1 HD 538.1 S1 EN 60726 VDE 0532 ANSI C57.12.01 Safety It is hardly inflammable and it has self-extinguishing It is resistant against fire and it has no risk of leakage that may cause environmental contamination. It shall not contribute to fire. So, it is safe and environmentally friendly. They shall not cause very big damages and losses in short circuits arising out of the system. Range of products and area of use Distribution type transformers (160 – 3150 kVA) Mono-phase transformers Power transformers (4000 – 25000 kVA) Level-changing transformers under OLTC load. Rectifier type transformers Water and air-cooled transformer with IP54 protection class (Submarine, Marine, Vessel and Oil Drilling Platforms) Wind power turbine transformers (Maintenance and repair may be made in tower) It minimizes fire and explosion risk in the environments in which people intensely live such as subway, tunnel, mines, airports, shopping malls, schools, hospitals, skyscrapers. It may be produced external and enclosure type depending on the protection classes of IP20, IP23, IP33 optionally. |